

This tutorial is my design if it is similar in anyway to another tutorial this is totally coincidental.

I'm using the gorgeous art of Elias Chatzoudis .
You have to purchase a license.
if you do not have one you can get one


Scrapkit by Bluey Halloween freebie available on her blog

Step 1

•First you open up a new image 450 x 450. You can find this in the top left corner of your psp.
•Your should now have something similar to the image below.
•Once you have this open go to your supplies.

Step 2

•You will get your supplies by going to the top left and click on file, then go down to browse, click on your psp supplies, this should open all your kits, elements , and tubes up for you.

Step 3

•Now go to your Scrapkit
•Once you have done this open it up by double clicking on it.
•Now go to papers and open one of your choosing.
•Then right click on it copy then go to your new image and paste as new layer

Step 4

•Now open up one of your frames, cope and paste this over the paper, resize if needed using the raster deformer tool on the left side of psp under the pan tool.
•Now you should have something like this

Step 5

•Now grab you magic wand and click on the inside of your frame and add new raster layer.
•Back over to your papers and pick a different one now add paste into selected.
•Once that is done go to selections at the top and select none.
•Make sure you pull this layer under your frame on the left hand side.
Add your elements i have used the cauldron 1, bat on chain both brooms the bead string and the word art spook resize these as needed and paste as new layers dont forget to add drop shadows.
The bubbles are out of psp in your picture tool use scale 50 and place over the cauldron so it looks like its bubbling.

Step 6

•Now open you tube

•Copy and paste as new layer.
•Once you have done all add your copyright information and your licence number.
•Finally merge visable and save as.
•Don’t forget your name.

Congratulations you are finished

Liana xx