Pretty in Pink (BCA)
[center]This tutorial is my design if it is similar in anyway to another tutorial this is totally coincidental.
i am using the fine art work of Ismeal Rac
this is one of his free tubes
you can find it Here
please make sure you have a licence for his work before you use it
Filters needed
Muras copies
font i used : Al young crafter
add drop shadows as you like
ok lets get started
open new image 500x500 transparent
open your tube of choice and select two colours from it
then go to your rectangle tool and make the lines 2 width
draw out your rectangle in the center of the imge and convert to raster
next draw another one smaller on the left hand side of the first you will want this length ways
you should have this now
now select inner part of the small rectangle add new layer and paste your tube as new layer
and move over selected then go to selections > invert > delete this should leave part of your tube on the rectange
selections > select none
now select the BCA ribbon that is with this tube or any BCA ribbon you have
go to effects > plug-ins > muras copies use these settings
Circle number - 12
tile mode
behind BG Color - pale pink
move your ribbons to the bottom layer
now go back to your large rectangle and select inner part using your magic wand
add new raster layer and now go to your tube using your crop tool cutyour tube you only want the brests once you have this done copy and paste into selected go to layer > dublicate
go to your layers section in the bottom right hand side of your psp go to blend mode bottom tube change to overlay and top tube to color (Legacy)
you should have this now
now go back to your tube
image > mirror
copy and paste as a new layer place it so it looks like it is sitting in the big rectangle, add drop shadow
now paste in the BCA ribbon of choice again move to the right hand corner and add drop shadow
now just add your copyright info and licence number merge visable and you are done
Thank you for trying my tut
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