Supplementary nutrients that can benefit people with ADD / ADHD

Supplementary nutrients that can benefit people with ADD / ADHD

Taken daily with water and eat plenty of the food sources listed below:

A personalised consultation is essential when it comes to nutrient and supplement recommendations for an individual. Please do not self prescribe and administer as this can lead to additional health problems. Dosages are dependent on individual needs.


Restrict TV, Video and DVD watching as well as computer games, as these all cause neuro-sensory overload. A maximum of 1 hour per day, preferably less and never at bedtime.

Make sure you are getting enough exercise. Choose a sport or exercise programme that suits your lifestyle or you will “give-up” quickly. Important to expel excess energy and get a good release of carbon dioxide and a good intake of oxygen. Outside in some sunshine is best. (Vitamin D & Calcium conversion)
WATER! Drink clean filtered water. Tap water can contain various chemicals that can aggravate your symptoms.
Make sure you are getting enough good quality sleep. Sleep is the time our bodies need to: digest, nourish, repair and eliminate.
Avoid (as much as possible) exposure to any obvious chemical stimuli in the environment, such as perfumes, heavy metals and cigarette smoke.

Keep a strict schedule – waking-time, work, exercise, meals, bed-time etc.